i'm legal!!!
so i finally got my carte de sejour today (a very nice b-day present...yes, i'm one year closer to a quater century today...24...as my sister loves to point out, "after 21 you just get old")...it only took a couple minutes...and i got a pretty sticker in my passport...afterwards the nice guy gave me all of my official documents he told me the offical head guy wanted to talk to me...at that point i had a minor panic attack...all sorts of horrible things started running through my head...my paperwork wasn't ok afterall and they were going to tell me to leave the country immediately...but fortunately he just wanted to ask me about the lycee in gondecourt...it seems his daughter is going there next year and he wanted to be sure it was a good school...i reassured him it was a fantastic school and ran out of there before he could take my carte de sejour back...
i bought this cd by cali this weekend...i'd been hearing this song on the radio and decided i should just break down and buy the cd...the song is very pretty with a sweet chorus..."pensons à l'avenir, bébé"..."lets think about the future, baby"...well, so i thought...i had never really listened to the verses before...so i get home and it turns out it's not romantic or sweet at all...but about some guy who is dreading the day is signficant other brings up the future...nice huh...well, either way it's a really good song...go download it illeagally or something...
this will probably be the last time i get to write before christmas...my mom and sister are coming tomorrow and we're heading to italy for the vacation...i'm very excited to see them and to visit (hopefully) a warmer country...so merry christmas and happy new year to everyone back home, especially my friends and family i can't be with...
"Sommes-nous juste entrain de prendre du bon temps
ou quelque chose comme ça
Je redoute juste le moment où tu poseras ta tête
sur mon épaule et tu murmureras
'Pensons à l’avenir bébé'...."
-pensons à l'avenir by cali