a week in pictures
so i realized on thursday that i had taken pictures with my camera-phone nearly every day this week...so instead of posting one at a time...here they are all at once...i'm not sure why they're all different sizes...
post-partying shopping at the marché de noel and in vieux lille...
the ferris wheel reflected in the window of the theatre du nord....i do feel quite artsy...thankyouverymuch...

incredible dresses in vieux lille...the one on the left reminds me of something from kill bill...

pre-cirque du soleil coffee with aaron and miriam at morel et fils in place du theatre....my hot chocolate, aarons coffe, and aarons hand...yes, the artsy bug carried over to tuesday as well....

decorations outside my apartment in gondecourt...took the bus home with ester after going to see bridget jones 2 (quite disappointing i must say)...joyeuses fĂȘtes = happy holidays...

taken from the top floor of the school building...gondecourt in all it's splendor....yes it really is as cold as it looks...

mathieu...sigh...my friday night ritual: star academy and laundry...he lost, but i still love him...for those who don't know, star academy is this stupid reality show that's a combination of big brother and american idol...yeah, this is a picture of my television screen...

i went to the football game with miriam and paul...it was against nantes...of course lille (losc) won, they're second in the league!!!

miriam and paul...hook 'em horns...uh...i mean allez dogues!!!

post-partying uno game in miriam's room (it was too cold to go shopping!!!)...here's aaron and his mad kung fu moves...yes, this is what happens when assistants get bored...

that guy with the turbin. he looks f-in' awesome. like, karate-kid-style cool, but even better. do you know him? can you get his autograph for me next time you see him. that'd be nift(y). - noraa agnetnalp
12:21 AM
yeah, don't let the turban fool ya...i know the guy, and he's pretty lame...but if you really want, i'll ask him for an autograph next time i see him... :)
hope you had a good time in gay paris...
peace out
11:12 AM
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