ma vie en v.f.

Monday, April 11, 2005

word associations make the world go round

  1. Horrendous:: hideous
  2. Home video:: bob saget (or is it sagget? or saggette? who knows...who cares?)
  3. What a girl wants:: what a girl needs
  4. Grounded:: ground hog's day...the holiday, not the bill murray flick
  5. Trusting:: naïve
  6. Simplistic:: simpleton
  7. Buzz:: dj buzz kill (that one's for the Dentist!!)
  8. Balcony:: romeo and juliette
  9. Roar:: i am woman, hear me roar...
  10. Hooker:: red light district


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is more a comment about your real world anxiety.
screw the real world dude! do what you want! follow your heart and dreams! sounds very scary. monstrous indeed.
you can make a living doing whatever you want darling. you're brilliant, fun, bilingual, travel savvy, and are not in a ton of school debt. (i think)
oh, i did the country and book quiz. i'm brazil and my favorite book is vonnegauts' cat's cradle.
um beijo querida! me chama!

11:28 PM


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