ma vie en v.f.

Monday, January 17, 2005

"lonely, baby i'm not lonely, i've got my imaginary friend..."

another weekend past...

friday night was the evening of the second byop...the first one was held before the vacation, and was quite fun...this time sarah, miriam, ester and andrew came...aaron was supposed to come, but got sick at the last minute...i still think he's faking...:)...he was replaced by a last-minute substitution of olivier and pierre, two new french friends...because, after all, two frenchies equal one american, right??? (i'm kidding here folks. these guys are really nice. anyone who brings flowers and drives all the way to gondecourt for my cooking are saints!!!)...anyways, long story short...i believe a good time was had by all and i'm sure my neighbors were quite annoyed with the ruckus...but in my opinion, gondecourt is TOO quiet and needed a little shaking after some couscous, multi-lingual scrabble and too much wine, ester and the french guys headed to their respective homes and the rest of us crashed at my place on my ever-so-comfortable air mattress...

saturday, after cleaning my place, miriam and i headed to lille and saw le chateau ambulante (i believe the english title is howl's moving castle)...I LOVE MIYAZAKI...this latest one isn't his best, (nothing can replace my neighbor totoro from the top of the list) but is really good...after, we went to cafe oz, an australian bar with carolyn and andrew...drinks were a bit expensive but it had great music...finally, a place to escape the bad techno music...last night, after taking the last bus home from lille, i called and talked to clye-ray for an hour...after hearing about her weekend in austin with the dentist and the mountain girl i was really homesick for austin...i can bitch and complain with the best of them about the horrors of living in texas, but i love austin and really miss it...i haven't found another city with such a great, realaxed atmosphere (what i wouldn't give to be able to wear a tank top and flip-flops right now-and not freeze my ass off!!!!!) to all mes ami(e)s still kickin' it in a-town, enjoy it while it lasts...sniff...

this past week i've started putting my ipod on random's been a nice way to rediscover some music i haven't listened to in a self and the old 97's (hence the title for this post)'s been especially nice to rediscover fiona apple, i think i listened to tidal at least three times this week...

today, of course, i'm back at work and have started meeting the new groups...the first one was great...they were all so sweet and interested...i'm very excited to be working with them...the second group didn't show up so i have a free hour (haven't met them yet and their already on my good list!!) the second semester starts with hope...we'll see how long it lasts...

p.s.... i want one!!!!!
p.s.s...holy crap, this guy is lucky
p.s.s.s...did you know that for college students, the higher the s.a.t. score, the more liberal their views are??? interesting...


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