more pics from my phone
so this la grande place (aka. place du gaulle) right after a huge rainstorm...once again sorry for the bad can see the very edge of the bamboo structure on the left..i'll try and get a better picture of it before they take it really is incredible

ok, this is a pic from EuraLille, the big shopping mall here...euracuir is a leather/purse store...this one takes a little explaining for the non-french speakers...cuir (meaning leather) is pronounced like "queer"...say it out always cracks me up...

Have they taken down the tea palace in front of the Opera house, and the "rue de Shanghai" on rue de Faidherbe? What have they replaced it with?
Did you get to see the upside down forest in la Grand'Place?
9:17 PM
yes, the tea palace pagoda is still there, but rue faidherbe is now lined in bamboo...unfortunately i missed the upside down forest...i arrived in lille just as they were finishing putting up the bamboo...
3:08 PM
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