ma vie en v.f.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

feeling disconnected... seems like my life has become one big technical problem...yesterday my cell phone provider, bouygues telecom (pronounced "bweeg") went down...and i mean the ENTIRE company went down...some 7 million people were without suprised me how it really wasn't *that* big of a the united states it would be some big crisis if the the third largest cell phone company just stoped working, but here, it was hardly mentioned...which is strange concidering how addicted people are to their cell phones here...
then this morning, the internet was down at school and once it was finally back up i couldn't log into my hotmail account...someone is definately trying to keep me from communicating with the rest of the world...hmmm...the conspiracy theories are forming...
anyways...another week has passed here at the lycee, and things are getting much better...i still have a few problem classes...but the good classes definately make up for it...this past week we've been talking about rap music and i've been playing songs by Jurassic's funny that i'm teaching english and having to explain words like "wack" and "biter"...i think they've enjoyed the class...i'm sure it's, at least, a change from their normal routine...
this weekend is the fĂȘte final (final party) here in lille...this year, lille has been the cultural capital of europe...there have been exhibits, and "metamorphoses" (huge bamboo sculptures, an upside down forest, a pink train station) and concerts...and this saturday, for the fĂȘte final, there is a huge parade with fireworks and a dancing in the streets untill 2 in the morning...i'm really excited and i'll be sure to post pictures of the extravaganza...ok...well i've now been at work for over 8's time to head home and watch Star Academy....(i know, i know... i'm so pathetic but i have the hugest crush on mathieu!!!! he loves me, he just doesn' know it yet!!!) :)
"two-headed boy, she is all you could need
she will feed you tomatoes and radio wires
and retire to sheets safe and clean
but don't hate her when she gets up to leave "
-two-headed boy part 2 Neutral Milk Hotel


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