ma vie en v.f.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Crazy Weekend... crazy it's taken me until tuesday to post about it (ok, it's not *that*crazy...but i'm feeling very dramatic today)...saturday i spent the day in Lille with two of the assistants from Dunkerque...we shopped, had a nice italian dinner (with another american assistant we met on the street...but thats a long story in and of itself) and went out to Mc.Ewen's, an irish bar with about 10 other assistants...techno music and weird drinks aside, it was a pretty decent had this weird unisex bathroom (which i'm beginning to realize is pretty common here) where we ended up having a political discussion with some of the locals for nearly 20 seems like everyone in this country has an opinion about Bush and they're all very eager to share it with you..

so we made it back to the hotel around 5 am and checked out at 11 on the dot...unfortunately the bus to my town doesn't run on sundays (the scheduld says it does, but apparently bus schedules are only suggestions around here) so i had to take the train to seclin and then walk to's about a 45 minute walk through the country...very nice...except right as i got off the train it started after one very wet hour (thank god i rememberd my umbrella) i made it back to my apt and a nice warm shower...i spent the rest of the day drinking tea and reading The Secret History by Donna Tartt (go buy it now and read's soooooo good!)...

yesterday i was back in the classroom, continuing to teach about the american school's amazing how much difference there is between classes...some are so eager to talk and learn, while others just sit there and stare at me...but it's definately getting easier...i've only been at it two weeks and it's already time for the first vacation...god i love the french!
"Could it be that everything goes around by chance
Only one way that was always meant to be
You kill me, you always know the perfect thing to say
I know what I should do but I just can't walk away....

...So go on love
Leave while theres still hope for escape
Gotta take what you can these days
There's so much ahead
So much to grab
I know what you want to say
I know it but cant help feel differently
I loved you, and I should have said it
but tell me, just what has it ever meant?"
- kill, jimmy eat world


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