ma vie en v.f.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Back in Lille

Ok so I'm back in Lille for the day. I have many errands to run and an all important trip to Ikea to little apartment is cute, but quite bare at the moment. I met more students yesterday and one class (the one that saw Fahrenheit 9/11) was quite interested and had lots of questions about the movie. I'm having my mom send "Dude, Where's my Country"...I'm sure they'd like to read exerpts of it. The one question most of the classes asked me, besides "do you like George Bush," is "what are the biggest differences between the US and France?" That question is hard because there aren't many differences. It seems like all I hear is american music (the girl at the bus stop was singing Beyonce - in butchered english...but i could still tell what song it was). I'd say that at least 70 % of the series on TV are American. Unfortunately they get the worst of it: Dawson's creek, Columbo, the movie Step-mom (yes, i watched it...but only because I couldn't sleep) but some good stuff too, like Six Feet Under, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind and a French version of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, called Queer 5. Now if only the movie Garden State would come here...I think I need to see if for a fourth time....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there, my name's Sophie. I'm 26 I'm French I teach English here in Lille and I'd like to meet some English -speaking people to keep my own English Fresh. Would you like to go out for a drink one night? I know an American assistant, she renewed her contract and she'd come with me. Send me a mail.

10:22 PM

Blogger Natalie, sans h. said...

Hi sophie...i would love to meet up for a drink. I tried emailing you, but i got a error message back. You can email me at
Talk to you soon...natalie

1:55 PM

Blogger Ellen said...

natalie! things are sounding sweeeeeet in france. wish i could be there sooner than later. ;) anyway, went to see garden state on sunday and i've been playing the soundtrack non-stop ever since. loved it.

6:50 AM


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