Less than a week...i think i'm having a panic attack!
So...6 days to go...
as you can tell from the subject of this post i'm a little anxious. The anxiety dreams have started. It seems every time I go France, the week before, I start having these dreams where I'm trying to speak french and no one can understand me. Ahhhh.....
There has been some good news, though. I finally heard back from my school last week and it appears that not only do i have an apartment ready for me in Gondcourt...but it's....ready....wait for it......FREEEEEEEEEE! Yes, music to my ears. That means after bills, all my hard earned *don't laugh* cash can go towards traveling during the vacations and shopping in paris. I'm definately hitting the UK in november (which may be a bad idea...possibly too cold), Italy over xmas, Greece in April, and Sweeden in May. I just need to find something to fill that little break in February....any suggestions???
The packing is coming along and now I just need to make a few last minute purchases and I'll be ready to go. Any former Lillois know of a good (and by good i mean cheap, yet not scuzzy) hotel to crash at??? This time next week, I'll be exploring my new home in France...
adios....or shall i say a bientot?
As for the vacation in February, I'd suggest Spain. Anywhere in Spain. Benelux is still pretty gray and raining that time of year, so head south (I went to Italy in February).
I think that I know an assistant that worked in Gondcourt (and Séclin) last year. What's the name of the school? I can ask my friend if it's the same one that she worked in.
I can't think of a good/cheap hotel in Lille. I stayed at the youth hostel, which I wouldn't recommend (it stunk like puke in my room), but it's good because you'll meet a bunch of other assistants who I will guarantee will be staying there while looking for their own flats in Lille.
I met assistants there from the UK, Chile, Italy, Portugal, America, etc.
11:33 PM
You may have heard, but there's a great airline called RyanAir (www.ryanair.com I think). I flew with them a few times, and had no problems. They're very cheap.
You can also get good deals with the SNCF online if you get a PREMS ticket. The only problem is that you can't exchange the ticket, and you must buy it two weeks ahead of time. But they'll save you a lot of money. I got a ticket from Paris to Geneva for 25Euros!
If you're planning on travelling by rain in France, you can get a Carte 12/25 for 48Euros (I think), and then you get 50% off most train rides. If you don't get the card, you can still get 25% off most trains if you're under 25.
11:21 PM
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