ma vie en v.f.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

The lazy days of...well, it still *feels* like summer

I know, I know...It's been nearly a month since my last post. I promise once I actually GET to France, I'll be much better about updating. The past few weeks have been quite lazy. I finally finished my scarf and I'm starting on knitting a cozy for my new iPod (which should arrive this week!). The lost visa paperwork somehow made it back to me. Talk about a relief. I didn't know how I was going to get my Carte de Sejour without it. I'm still looking for an apartment, but with little success. It seems i might need to relax my criteria for a roomie. It's impossible to find a non-smoking roomate without a cat! I think I could handle the cat, but definately NOT the smoking, unless they could do it outside. I'm definately starting to feel anxious...especially since I haven't been practicing my french much. I swear I'll get to it...I've just got too important things to do...


Blogger Stephen said...

So, what happened with the visa paper mix up? I'm very curious to hear what happened...

5:45 PM


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